Access Office

Your Access Office

Each college has an Access or Student Support service. This service is there to support future and present students along their journey through College. Here you can find out more about the services provided in each of the colleges and who you can contact in the colleges.

Student Support & Development (SS&D) offers a range of opportunities and supports to help students make the most of their university experience, irrespective of the students starting point or prior educational experience. Your journey through university should be one of new learning, skills development, personal fulfilment and new opportunities, and the diversity of the services SS&D offer reflects the complexity of this journey.

For more information and for a full range of supports available from Student Support & Development in DCU follow this link or contact:

Phone: 00 353 1 700 7165


The Access Office at DkIT aims to foster an accessible, inclusive, sustainable learning environment and to promote access to higher education for traditionally under-represented groups including mature students, students from a background of socio-economic disadvantage and those from the Traveller community.

DkIT’s Access Mission is to develop, maintain and support a comprehensive access policy predicated on a respect for the values of equality, inclusion and diversity.

Click the link for further information on the DkIT Access Programme, or contact us:

Eileen Lynch: Access Officer

Tel: +353-0429370236


The Maynooth University Access Programme (MAP) encourages under-represented groups to enter third level and provides these groups with support through their time at Maynooth. These groups include under-represented school leavers, mature students, students with disabilities and members of the Irish Traveller community.

MAP is founded on 4 pillars; outreach into the community, promoting pathways into University, easing the transition for incoming students to Maynooth and supporting our current students. MAP’s supports are personal, academic and financial in nature and are designed to promote confidence and independence.

Maynooth University is a national leader in both attracting and retaining school leavers from socio-economic disadvantaged backgrounds, mature students and students with disabilities. From a national perspective, MAP has taken a leadership role in developing national policy in the area of widening participation. From an institutional perspective, MAP has developed a number of models of academic support that support transition to higher education of under-represented groups and are acknowledged as innovative models of outstanding good practice.

Click here for further information on the Maynooth University Access Programme, or contact us:

Tel: +353-1-708-6025


The TUS (Athlone Campus) Access Office supports students from groups who are underrepresented at third level, this includes lower socio-economic and disadvantaged groups, mature students, people with disabilities, migrants, Travellers, lone parents  and grant assisted students.

The service provides pre-entry and post-entry supports including the following :

  • The Access Course (Special Purpose Level 6): This course has been available in the institute since 1994. This course is intended for adult learners who wish to study after a break in their formal educational experience and who may not have benefited fully from, or have access to, previous educational experiences.
  • Student Assistance Fund
  • The Access Office forms part of the Student Resource Centre. Other services available within the centre to registered students include the careers office, health promotion, disability office, wiritng skills centre, maths/ science/ business tutors, mentoring programmes, counselling and the health centre.

Please contact the office for further information

Jenny Cooper Burke: Access Officer

Tel: +353 (0)90646 8123
