Without the Help… I Would Have Dropped Out
Without the Help… I Would Have Dropped Out – Evaluation of the 1916 Bursary Fund for the Midlands East North-Dublin (MEND) Region was carried out by College Connect to document the impact of the 1916 Bursary funding had on successful applicants in the MEND Cluster from 2018 to 2022.
The 1916 Bursary Fund is a targeted funding scheme that aims to provide support for economically marginalised students from groups traditionally underrepresented in higher education.
The 1916 Bursary Fund was first announced by the Minister for Education and Skills on the 30th of December 2017 to commemorate the centenary of the 1916 Rising, with the purpose of encouraging participation and success by students from sections of society that are significantly underrepresented in higher education. The Fund is administered under strand two of the Higher Education Authority’s’ Programme for Access to Higher Education.