
Who is an Educator?

Educators come in many different forms, from a parent/guardian, a youth/ community worker or a teacher. Each of these educators is important because their decision sand reactions can influence the person they are working with. Below are some simple tips an educator can use to build up their confidence and reach their full potential:

It is exactly what is says on the tin ‘Support the student to find their strength'. Once the student recognises their strength their confidence will be able to grow. Their newfound strength empowers them to perform better.

It is important to remember that the way each person learns is different. Everyone has the ability to reach their full potential as long as they are given the resources and information that is clear for them to understand. It is the role of an educator not to give one set of instructions, but multiple instructions for the multiple learners in the room.

Once a student has found their natural strength, it is important to help them build on their skills and knowledge. This needs to be done in a safe environment, so that if something does not work out for them that they are able to learn from the experience. Look at what students need to progress in their learning. What type of background knowledge do they need to have as a baseline, and what additional skills they need to build to succeed at the next level?

Typically, most students are not even aware that they can surpass their current level of achievements, so they sit in a web of self-doubt. This may have arisen from previous encounters of failures resulting to a low self-esteem.
In motivating students suffering from an poor self-esteem, it’s important to assure them they are victors. Show them that they can do anything if they try. Start off with the basic tasks which are easier, then build to more complex problems.

This gradual trajectory ensures that the students develop self-confidence and hence are more prepared to handle the challenges.

Not all teaching needs to be done from a book. The use of experiential learning can help a student connect the learning to the world that they inhabit. Focus on issues and events happening in the world around them and incorporate those trends into the learning experience.

Make every learning experience an opportunity for assessing growth. Providing feedback on a student’s performance and areas of growth helps students feel confident that they can progress in their learning