1916 Bursary
Do you live in an area that’s underrepresented in College? Or do you experience barriers that make it difficult to go to college?
The 1916 Bursary is a student scholarship up to €5,000 per year. Applications for this year are set to open very soon and will close 15th October 2021. It is specifically designed to help first year students from communities that are underrepresented in College; for students who experience social and financial barriers that make it difficult to get to and through college. Should you be successful in receiving this bursary, it will continue for the entire duration of your undergraduate programme of study (to a maximum of four years for full-time students & six years for part-time students, once you comply each year with the bursary guidelines).
Right now across Ireland, colleges have come together to award this fund in regional clusters. Here in the Midlands, East and North Dublin (MEND) cluster (made up of AIT, DCU, DkIT and MU), there is a commitment to diversity and inclusion and this award further demonstrates how educators and communities are working together to do just that.
As part of the 1916 Bursary Fund for the 2021/22 academic year, three tiers of bursaries will be available for awarding to students:
- Tier 1 – €5,000 per year of study
- Tier 2 – €2,000 per year of study
- Tier 3 – a once off award in 21/22 of €1,500 which is only awarded this year for 1 year).
To find out more information on these tiers, visit:
Important information about 1916 Bursary across AIT, DCU, Dkit and MU:
Students who can apply to the undergraduate 1916 Bursary.
- resident in the Irish state for 3 of the last 5 years and are now
- entering year 1 of an (undergraduate) programme in the academic year 2021/22
- on a full or part-time course at Level 6 or above which is at least 2 years long,
- with a household reckonable income less than €24,500 in 2020,
- who are in one or more of the identified target groups,
- who are experiencing socio-economic disadvantage and experiencing significant financial hardship.
Identified Target Groups are as follows:
- Irish Travellers
- Lone parents and students from One-parent families
- Young people who have been in care of the state
- People with disabilities
- Ethnic Minorities (including programme refugees)
- People from lower socio-economic groups,
- First time Mature students
- Further education award holders
- People experiencing homelessness
In order to apply of the 1916 Bursary applicants must submit an application to the college they will be attending in September 2021:
AIT: https://www.ait.ie/life-at-ait/student-supports/1916-bursary-fund
DCU: https://www.dcu.ie/widening-participation/1916-Bursary-Fund.shtml
Dkit: https://www.dkit.ie/study/student-fees-grants-scholarships/scholarships/the-1916-bursary-fund.html
MU: https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/access-office/1916-Bursary-Fund